just do it

  • 2024年3月18日

make time once a day for yourself

It is time alone with yourself to let go and reclaim your true self. Once you have regained yourself, you will find that time with others is also important. Mr.Fennec 一日一回、自分ひとりの時間を作ろう

  • 2024年3月14日

no hacer nada es el principio del arrepentimiento

¿Has tenido alguna vez la experiencia de ser consciente de que las cosas no van a seguir igual, pero no tomar medidas y no hacer nada? Sepa que no hacer nada no es mantener el statu quo, sino progresa […]

  • 2024年3月11日

admitting defeat is the starting point for trying again

Defeat and failure are not bad things. If we can accept them properly, they can be a great experience for the next step in facing difficulties. Mr.Fennec 負けを認めることが、再挑戦の出発地点

  • 2024年2月29日

force yourself to smile and you’ll have fun

Even if you don’t have anything interesting to say, lifting the corners of your mouth will ease your mind and make you smile naturally. It may be tiring at first, but you will feel very happy. M […]

  • 2024年2月28日

start now rather than procrastinating and not starting

Do you put things off because you are not physically able to do them, even though you know they are important things that need to be done? Anyway, encourage yourself to get started. Mr.Fennec 後回しにして始め […]

  • 2024年2月23日

napping is a great way to maintain your mind and body

Even when we are mentally frustrated or tired, we often don’t realize that our body and mind are out of balance. Don’t let stress build up and take care of yourself as best you can, while […]

  • 2024年2月22日

instead of fearing failure, you should fear not trying

There are those who are overly fearful of the unknown and failure, who follow precedent and are reluctant to change anything, but that is no progress. We should update our knowledge through experience […]

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