Continuity is power.

  • 2022年11月23日

good speaking is also an art if you master it

If you have a talent that is just a little bit better than others at whatever you do, hone it. It will come in handy someday when you least expect it and help you out. Mr.Fennec 話し上手も、極めれば芸になる

  • 2022年11月7日

your actions today will lead to your future

The key to a fulfilling future is to continue doing everything day by day. Don’t dwell on past mistakes, don’t worry too much about the future, and cherish the present that leads to the fu […]

  • 2022年11月5日

keep challenging until you find a breakthrough

There is always a clue somewhere to break the stalemate. Keep an open mind and keep searching without giving up. Mr.Fennec 突破口が見つかるまで、挑み続けよう

  • 2022年11月1日

picking up your luck will be part of your ability

The basis for those who have found their luck is hard work. Continuing to work hard while waiting for the moment when luck arrives is the skill that will bring you closer to success when it does. Mr.F […]

  • 2022年10月18日

if it is a small problem, figure it out as you go

Once you start taking action, it is important to continue. Even if you run into problems, don’t stop and keep looking for solutions. Mr.Fennec 小さな問題なら、進みながら考えよう

  • 2022年10月7日

grow up step by step and make it bloom someday

In order for a flower to bloom, seeds must be sown, watered, and the seedlings rotated to expose them to sunlight. Since these tasks are carefully carried out one by one every day, the joy when a flow […]

  • 2022年10月4日

continue doing something you like

Are you making excuses for not having time to do what you love because it’s too much trouble? Don’t lie to yourself and keep doing what you love. Mr.Fennec 何事も好きなことは、続けよう

  • 2022年9月25日

continuous effort and action will bring you good luck

If you don’t try first, you will never know if you will succeed, and nothing will ever get started. Do not be swayed by chance, and when the time comes to make a decision, do not hesitate to act […]

  • 2022年9月16日

important to make good habits part of your routine

Even if it is difficult, once you make it a habit, you will be able to do it unconsciously. Let’s continue to adopt good habits and attract good results. Mr.Fennec 良い習慣は、考え過ぎずに身体で覚えよう

  • 2022年9月2日

challenging yourself can make every day interesting

The key to having fun every day is to try something, even if it is a small challenge. It is fun if you can overcome it, and even if you can’t, the experience will be useful for the next challeng […]

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